What Does Continue a Series Mean Excel

Excel: How to Autofill a Linear Series

Previously we learned how to autofill a growth series by multiplying by a step value. In this tutorial, we add or subtract a step value to autofill a linear series.

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  • What is a Linear Series?
  • How to Use the Fill Handle
  • How to Create a Linear Series with the Fill Handle
  • More Examples of Auto Fill of a Linear Series
  • How to Autofill and Skip Rows
  • Alternate Methods of Autofilling a Linear Series

We focus on a feature of Excel called the Fill Handle, but also discuss other autofill methods using different Excel features. For related tutorials, see our Excel Autofill Information Center.

What is a Linear Series?

In a linear series, the next number in the series is obtained by adding a constant, or step value, to the current number . For example, the linear series 1,3,5,7 ... has a step value of 2 because each new number in the series is "two more" that the number before.

A linear series can consist of decimals, decreasing values, or negative numbers. But in each case we add or subtract the same number ... the step value.

How to Use the Fill Handle

Excel's Fill Handle is a cool tool used inside the worksheet. When you select your starting cells and hover the mouse over the lower right corner of the cell range, the Fill Handle, a plus sign, appears.

the Fill Handle icon

To autofill, press the left mouse button over the Fill Handle and drag over the cells to be autofilled. Release the mouse and the cells are filled. In several cases the right mouse button may need to be used, but we'll always inform you if this is the case.

How to Create a Linear Series with the Fill Handle

Open your Excel worksheet and follow the directions below.

figures 1-3: autofilling a simple linear series
  1. Enter the first two numbers in the first two adjacent cells.
  2. Select (highlight) the two cells and hover the cursor over the bottom right corner until the Fill Handle (+) appears - see figure 1.
  3. Press the LEFT mouse button and drag to select the cells to auto fill (figure 2).
  4. Release the mouse button and the worksheet cells are autofilled (figure 3).

There are two other methods in Microsoft Excel to autofill a linear series that you may find of interest though they require more steps. See Alternate Methods of Autofilling a Linear Series below.

More Examples of Auto Fill of a Linear Series

Look at the sample worksheet below. In each case we entered the first two values so Excel could determine the step value.

image showing 7 columns of autofilled as explained below
  • Example of Odd Numbers (column G): When the first two numbers are entered, Excel knows that the step value is 2 and autofills with odd numbers. This is a linear series.
  • Example of Every 4th Number (column H): In this linear series, the step value is 4, so we enter 2 and 6 in the first two cells in column H.
  • Example of Multiples of 5 (column I): The Fill Handle is handy for creating multiples of a number. In column I our step value is 5.
  • Example of Thousands (column J): In this example, Excel autofills by thousands as our step value is 1000.
  • Example of Month Names (column K): For detail instructions, see How to Autofill Months and Years.
  • Example of Autofilling Hours (column L): See our separate tutorial, How to Autofill Hours and Other Time Increments for more information.
  • Example of Days of the Week (column M): For more information, see How to Autofill Days and Weekdays in Microsoft Excel.

How to Autofill and Skip Rows

figures 4-5: images of worksheet columns and using fill handle to fill every other row

It is not uncommon to skip rows in a busy worksheet to enhance readability. To have Excel autofill every "nth" row, enter the starting two numbers and select the the cells containing them plus the skipped cells. Don't forget to include the blank cells after the second data cell (figure 4).

Then use the Fill Handle to autofill. In our example, we are autofilling multiples of 5, and our result is shown in figure 5.

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Alternate Methods of Autofilling a Linear Series

These two other methods require more steps, but the user only needs to enter the first number of the series in the spreadsheet.

Fill Handle Right-Click Menu

Enter the first number in the top cell. Hover until you see the Fill Handle and with the RIGHT mouse button, drag the Fill Handle until you have selected the cells to autofill.

image of the Series window that displays

When you release the mouse button, a menu displays. Click Series or Fill Series on the menu and the Series window displays - as shown above. Enter the desired step value in the box provided and click OK.

Autofilling Via the Excel Ribbon

The Series window can be reached via the ribbon in Excel version 2007 and newer.

figures 8-9: accessing the Series button
  1. Enter the first number of the series. Then select that cell and the cells that you want to auto fill.
  2. Click the Fill button located on the Editing section of the ribbon's Home tab as shown in the first image.
  3. A drop-down menu appears as shown in the second image. Click Series and the Series window appears as shown below.
  4. Enter your step value and any other values on the Series window and click OK.

image of the Series window that displays

In Conclusion

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You will notice that in all of our sample worksheets we fill the columns from top to bottom. But columns can be auto-filled moving up a column, and rows can be auto-filled in either direction as well. However, if you pass zero, you'll see negative numbers; and if you go smaller than the number one, you'll see decimals.

The Microsoft website has a lengthy tutorial on auto filling series of data here.

Also, we recommend always verifying results before proceeding. If incorrect, click the "Undo" icon at the top of the spreadsheet (or press Ctrl Z) and try again. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers!

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Source: https://www.keynotesupport.com/excel-basics/excel-auto-fill-handle-linear-series.shtml

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